is kicked-over headstones on neatly manicured lawns
is a desperate woman pleading for custody of her child
on a pay phone outside of 7-Eleven
is high-fructose corn syrup and mayonnaise
is flat-screen televisions and chronic obesity
is drinking a bottle of Bud Light listening to Nickelback
and making frivolous E-Bay purchases with a stolen Mastercard
and making frivolous E-Bay purchases with a stolen Mastercard
is Adam Sandler in Rated Arg For Pirates
is 13 million people tuning in for the debut episode of the new reality show
is forgetting your mother lives in a nursing home
down the street
is seeing the face of Jesus in your Spinach Noodle Kugel
is smoking your crack pipe through an infected tracheotomy wound
is a Cub Scouts group leader masturbating to blurry videos of
Thai children being skinned alive
Thai children being skinned alive
is voting against your own best interests to keep from voting for
the black guy
the black guy
is 23 emaciated greyhounds found caged in an 8' x 10' tool shed
is the belief that attending church on Sunday morning makes up for the fact that you're
is the belief that attending church on Sunday morning makes up for the fact that you're
a malicious asshole every other day of the week
is 11 men gang-raping a 15-year-old blind girl in a bar
outside of Louisville
is a prescribed pill to solve every problem
is an unwashed man in a sleeveless South Park t-shirt proudly parading
the Stars and Bars through the courtyard of his apartment building
is a hiking path that ends at a pile of used condoms and syringes
is 4-wheel drive a Hemi engine and a Red Wings bumper sticker
is your grandfather dead from heart disease at 54
is the Pledge of Allegiance morning prayers and Intelligent Design class
is your third D.U.I. in less than 18 months
is a toddler in filthy diapers running barefoot with a pack of dogs
is the only place in the world where you are honestly lauded
for staunch ignorance
is the land of the "free" and the home of the "brave"
is 235 years old?
is 235 years old?
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