For Carla Harryman
"Where do you think you're going?"
⎡ ⎤
⎣ ⎦
I've not stopped being
any of the Xs
I am
this creates me
exhausted and unfamiliar
"No one has come forward yet, and said
authoritatively, what maybe I should
say to myself. I don't know."
-- Theodore Enslin
there are many different types that I am interested in
disposing of "content" is more difficult than generating it
I assumed that it was beautiful and I was correct
why was I in XXXXX's parents' home in last night's dream?
(what was I hoping to achieve?)
(what was I hoping to achieve?)
I imagine myself as a single square in an immense plaid pattern
why are there so many "light and sculpted" beards? (they're hardly there)
perhaps the mystery is being removed from the process and this is a vital element
the "I" is less prevalent in later chapters
am I no longer listening?
if I encountered him now I would no longer allow him to pass
perhaps I should alphabetize the library (this could be the "disorder")
if you follow the directions all the necessary information will be revealed
something is wrong though it is almost nothing
my shoulders are not sharp or frail (I could not crush them in my hands)
what might I see if I bothered to look?
I must resume the search for it...
{I stood on the tips of my sneakers, attempting to balance on the edge of the air conditioning unit, and XXXX was on the ground next to me, spotting me, looking up with eager eyes. The light had just gone on in her room, and, through the frosted window pane, she began to undress before me. (I think XXXX might actually have been drooling in anticipation.) I whispered to XXXX (lying), indicating that she had left the room, so that I might enjoy the "show" all for myself. And, as her bra and panties came off, I was truly "alone".}
...(the ellipsis is a whore... fuck her! or... pimp her)
time? what the hell good is that going to do me?
tickling is a re-engagement with strangeness
if only this were as "easy" as blowing my horn (wait... that became quite difficult)
I wish things were as simple as the symbols we wear (I might pout and smoke)
empty seats are preferred after considering what might fill them
if only I were unfortunate enough not to know it this is cyclical in nature
I miss the team (we're all just individual players now free agents who won't be signed)
sometimes a smile is all that is necessary (or a dumb look)
sometimes a smile is all that is necessary (or a dumb look)
he must be perceived as a fantastic companion (but I know better)
I am too easily stunned when I'm sitting in public areas
why do I not want to be right and/or good?
I might just suck on a Slurpee and get fatter sicker and deader
I need a sandwich...
[I am the as-yet-unknown entity. I have fabulous taste in music, as well as literature, art,
movies, fashion, and architecture. I am what they all aspire to be. I am a teacher, and an
artist. I am sophisticated, and I am dangerous in more than one way. I am also mysterious,
and nearly unidentifiable.]
movies, fashion, and architecture. I am what they all aspire to be. I am a teacher, and an
artist. I am sophisticated, and I am dangerous in more than one way. I am also mysterious,
and nearly unidentifiable.]
...and the object was something that should be objected to too
green is something to carry the weight and moisture but it is not a sponge
another was grinning in fishnet stockings
there was a welcome mat outside the door which read: "this is working"
this is working this is working this is working
I should wake up tomorrow and get to the gym (or go right now)
why can't I seem to reconcile my contrasting arguments?
there is a bowl of steaming clam chowder awaiting me in the foyer
the other eye is crying at the same time
left and right are not the same as they once were (understanding is trouble)
I occasionally mistake the sound of her voice for that of a cuica
a dozen young people spoke of their experiences and lied
he claimed to be burning more calories "standing up"
it was off-putting to see him exposing himself like that
the bulk of him appeared below the belt line
"they" are polite and cordial as they greet "them" what are "they" selling?
"I went away to see an old friend of mine his sister came
over she was out of her mind she said: 'Jesus had a twin
who knew nothing about sin' she was laughing like crazy
at the trouble I'm in her light eyes were dancing she is
insane her brother says: 'she's just a bitch with a golden
chain' she keeps coming closer saying: 'I can feel it in my
bones schizophrenia is taking me home'"
[some have been happy from the beginning smiling
(I'm confusing them now)
I am witnessing the "first" in relation to all ten]
"I don't look on poems as closed works.
I feel they're going on all the time in my head,
and I occasionally snip off a length."
I feel they're going on all the time in my head,
and I occasionally snip off a length."
-- John Ashbery
his are words which are not unlike mine (and his music is)
apparently the thought process is stifled by this
his waist is narrow but his ass is packed into those slacks
there is romance between a pair of unlikely men
these two were "here" on Tuesday when first I noticed "them"...
PIGS AND PONIES. (...) Everything in the universe is
made of one element, which is a note, a single note. Atoms
are really vibrations, you know, which are extensions of
THE BIG NOTE. Everything is one note -- everything, even
the ponies. The note, however, is the ultimate power. But
see, the pigs don't know that; the ponies don't know that..." and black swirls swallow two pairs of untied white sneakers
(sneakers?! more like sneezers!)
(sneakers?! more like sneezers!)
uh oh... someone's a "deep philosopher" now
the heat is an oppressive breeze around my ears
it's beginning to sound like a fucking arcade in here
what does it mean to be up high in the chair? low?
this morning I was scrambled and fed to me
perhaps you should use that hat to cover your ass
some have connected me to language and the food poets
let me sidle up to this wood and take a listen
she found it for free on the internet and smiled
given that you are leaving might I now occupy your space?
what can be seen through the lenses of your glasses?
the glass featured a fur-lined rim and abandonment issues
would you strut into the room without your cocky gun?
if this person coughs one more time I'll scream a warning shot
try not to look like you're dying especially if you are leaving
somebody will probably appreciate seeing you again if not become invisible
and forget about it promptly
bitch face is becoming an epidemic of strict proportions and that is it
except for stupid face
wasting time is written down in blue ink and strangled
except for stupid face
wasting time is written down in blue ink and strangled
he told me about a poem he had written in which he envisioned himself as
the keeper of a military lighthouse on a small island
the keeper of a military lighthouse on a small island
this round body has been objectified rendered solid and inaccurate
I think you might disappear if you managed a smile
crying is where I was when I occupied a constriction and was pinched
there are many ignorant shoes to contend with
sitting "here" subjects me to an ending series of cycles
if I were to live in Michigan I would be cold in here...
[In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu mentions something about becoming one with
the dust of the earth. This concept has always been appealing to me, because it
offers a deeply spiritual excuse for shirking the duties of house cleaning. However,
more importantly, I think it rather succinctly addresses matters of personal hygiene,
and blind, trusting uniformity.]
the dust of the earth. This concept has always been appealing to me, because it
offers a deeply spiritual excuse for shirking the duties of house cleaning. However,
more importantly, I think it rather succinctly addresses matters of personal hygiene,
and blind, trusting uniformity.]
...put it to your ear and let the light illuminate your temples
you might as well be crawling at that smoking speed
sometimes one is so slight she could not possibly be two
sometimes one is so fat he is two
this is bad mathematical health and concerns 2, 1, and zero
welcome to the loneliness parade starring specters and thieves
his kindness was insignificant to the holes in her jeans
ignoring this is a way to walk through the room
it is important to appear as if you've just been lifting heavy objects and masturbating
without a chin your lower lip is helpless
it is difficult to determine which ballad is a professor
fashion is an illness like bitch face
I would embrace my books if I'd forgotten how to communicate
this "voice" is not a color of me dripping from a taut canvas
I'd fall down in those boots and attend to nothing else
from the first word to the next is an improvised noncoherence and an inconsistency
this is purple like the phone in my pocket is swollen
try not to poke yourself in the eye with your chin
hate is a language with no barriers
the language within it is not practiced and the sound is anxiety
I have arrived at another end of me...
{I trembled with anger as I tried to remain "hidden" in the bedroom. The argument outside the door grew increasingly heated, and I knew it was just a matter of time before I would have to assert myself. (Occasionally, it actually seemed like XXXXX was baiting me.) I wondered where XXXXX was, and why he wasn't attempting to intervene. After a few minutes, I believed things were about to get violent, and I knew if that happened, my wife wouldn't stand a chance. So, I could no longer resist the temptation: I threw open the door, jumped between the two women, and unleashed a primitive, guttural scream. And, at that moment, I was fully prepared to kill.] has announced its candidacy and is therefore blue
that many jokes must be a crowd
what did I almost catch that becoming?
an unspecified amount of time is spent going from room to room exercising
my driving interest
when freedom is early achieved adjustments must be made in your waiting schedule
in order to accommodate for the extra asshole
my driving interest
when freedom is early achieved adjustments must be made in your waiting schedule
in order to accommodate for the extra asshole
there is a moment when my eyes are closed and I'm afraid to reopen them
[some are silly or even nonsensical
(I'm appealing to them now)
I am scrutinizing "reason" as it hems and haws]
"The work of art 'itself' does not exist, only
incommensurable social contexts through
which it emerges and into which it vanishes."
-- Charles Bernstein
"Ladies and gentlemen, there are seven acknowledged
wonders of the world; you are about to witness the eighth.
Standing in the spotlight on showcase are twelve young men
who've given you such tunes as: 'XXX XXXXX', 'XXXX
gentlemen, without no doubt, these are XXX XXs. Hit it."
I too have two pops and an asiago sandwich to contend with
this is like picking berries or crossing a bridge
we've manipulated understanding hairstyles and turning around
"what's good?" is the worn-out hip-hop look and being tired
smile and here they come again with giggles and bright colors
it is a brave act to cross the room with one bare foot
my grandmother was a slight woman whose shoulders felt brittle in my hands
how would you cut it you incompetent fuck?!
weakness is a celebration
eating is eating and the library basement is consumed...
[I will now take stock of everything on my person: a pocket-sized notebook; an extra-fine-point, blue ink pen; a black retractable pencil with 0.5 lead; a red, retractable eraser; a clear plastic, flexible ruler; a hiking and hunting compass; an old-fashioned stopwatch; an artist's sketch pad; a coon-skin cap; a pair of grey Hanes boxer-brief underpants; a brown leather trifold wallet; a black, fine-tooth comb; a pair of size 13 Nike tennis shoes; a sweat-soaked, navy blue pocket-tee; a key ring, containing seven keys; a slightly used magic wand; a set of red and green paper clips; a back brace; a copy of Merriam-Webster's New Abridged Dictionary; a portable cheese grater; a pair of khaki cargo shorts with a 44-inch waist; a 50-inch brown leather belt; a copy of the "Jesus Christ Superstar" soundtrack, on cassette; a purple cell-phone (turned off); two white tube socks; a white gold wedding band; a "get out of jail free" card; three long-stemmed carrots (borrowed).]
...this is "notes in anticipation of so many poems"
how might I better listen to your barely breathing?
there must be somebody I could call (my friend) (what is the number?)
which is the correction to be placed approximately here?
it is not made of rubber or latex and it is not shiny
dozens of doorknobs have gone cold in my hands but I am not deterred
the only issue now is the "waiting"
my fear of teenage girls manifested itself as indifference (thankfully)
this is not "really" a conversation
"normal" text contains the inner-most thoughts of the character
why am I not invisible?
sometimes there is nothing in common but beer and hockey
his hat appeared to be a well-groomed head of hair
he weighed the pros and cons of taking on another roommate
the papaya treats were his favorite and he kept several bags of them around the apartment
sleeping is nearly impossible when sinking into the green...
sleeping is nearly impossible when sinking into the green...
{I entered the dark, one room cabin which I had inherited from my deceased parents, and I walked across the warped wooden floor to the stove in the corner. I looked up to find dust dancing on a beam of light, and realized that there was a small crack in the ceiling. The illumination allowed me to see that the stove's pipe was crooked and covered in soot, and that a few charred logs still remained in its belly. Also, the familiar round table beside me was missing a leg, and it appeared ready to collapse beneath the weight of a few mismatched dishes. I pulled out the one remaining chair, and it creaked as I sat down.}
...snoring is sometimes accompanied by whispering voices
I remember when conversations had two (too) obvious sides
sometimes a bare midriff exposes more than the belly button
I might corral these people according to sex line them up in straight lines
along opposite walls hose them down with a 5-hour energy drink
and then force them to engage one another
this is a perfunctory courtesy
along opposite walls hose them down with a 5-hour energy drink
and then force them to engage one another
this is a perfunctory courtesy
where in the world might one hang his jacket if all the designated hooks are taken?
contrary to a previously expressed opinion it has been determined that "it" is
blasphemous and black
if I were fatigued I would be either exhausted and/or well camouflaged
even if you are already hungry you should wait for the "entertainment" to arrive
if you continue to look in that direction a mariachi band might appear
the bajo sexto is projecting surprisingly well
and then they all gathered around to witness the death of attention
is the bajo sexto fretted?
I will now take this opportunity to dance
[some have had their arts hijacked without their knowledge
(I'm telling them now)
I am observing how the "stems" taper into rhyme]
"'I', the dreamer-observer, experience no
self-consciousness. I exist as if absorbed
into an audience, or as if no one at all."
-- Lyn Hejinian
I have ventured out into the noise in search of an operable language
the blue jug before the break contained potable water
it offers a subtle introduction to a woman they refer to as a god-fearing gun-toting
former beauty queen
when he became too sick to take care of himself he sought the assistance of a friend
he had an unwillingness to compensate for lost income
her innocent recommendation unleashed in him something previously repressed
something "bad"
the obstacles before me are mostly unseen and are extremely hazardous
I'm being challenged in ways that seem contradictory to my nature...
[I might appreciate a little recognition, here. I really feel like I could do something right now; something fucking important! And, I would pound my fist on the door jam a thousand fucking times, if I thought it would force you to take notice. (It probably wouldn't.) Or, I could bust right through it, into the laundry room (where I always feel appreciated), but then I'd have to put a load in, and I just don't have time for that shit right now.] thing that I appreciate is the distraction and disconnection provided by
the matter at hand
the matter at hand
I've had a lot of fun instructing people to turn left
he indicated that he might feel great joy if permitted to run a bayonet through
a Buddhist priest's guts
we feel a constant need to draw lines and to dare others to cross them
I am a loud-mouthed ex-football player with a penchant for internet porn
we have been surrounded for weeks by a platoon of armed women
these are the expressed opinions of "me" and those who directly influence "me"
others believe there are characteristics which indicate that this neoteric terror is cut from
the same cloth as our old favorites
it is methodically slow may be missing one or more of its appendages
and its approach will be preceded by the unmistakable stench of death
and its approach will be preceded by the unmistakable stench of death
it is important to understand the differences in appearance thought capacity
and vulnerability
the data showed that the greatest percentage of changes occurred during
the control treatment
lemon and steak seasoning were applied to it and it was delicious
and vulnerability
the data showed that the greatest percentage of changes occurred during
the control treatment
lemon and steak seasoning were applied to it and it was delicious
I look forward to finding out whether or not this trend will continue...
{I was walking around in what appeared to be downtown Detroit (no, it was downtown Detroit), and I was wearing XXXXX's pink winter jacket. I was pretending to be crippled, and this felt like some sort of defense mechanism. As I wandered farther away from what I considered my "safe destination", I grew increasingly small and insignificant. The landscapes I was traversing grew more and more burned out, like those in the film, Omega Man. At one point, I came to a "dead end", and I had to turn back. Eventually, I had the idea to call a cab, but when I reached into my wallet (an almost infinite chasm), all I could find was a nine dollar bill. So, I dove in and pulled it shut behind me.}
"heads down down to the floor lock up the windows
and close the door whatever you do stay calm show
me a ditch and I'll dive in it I'll feel safe beyond the cares
of the world"
...within this realm the sound of a simple coin flip can be menacing
I am realizing that there are certain inaccuracies involved in the turning of the page
the room smelled like dill and asparagus piss
he scraped the remainder of the melted cheese from his plate
where have all the questions gone?
the furniture and floors are beaded with moisture and one begins to wonder whether
this implies drowning
this implies drowning
it is reliant upon antiquated ideals and overblown pompous rituals
I am subjected to the alienation of labor (I am standing "apart" from this)
leverage is occasionally gained by employing "hope"
leave me alone I've no time for your exhausting attempts to disguise yourself
this is utilizing food and humor to assist in shedding light on a controversial subject
I spend way too much time cultivating the other "me"s
this is relentless and awe inspiring and pointless
[some are afraid of the journey and the room
(I'm scaring them now)
I am shaking the "road" for bones and ashes]
"The mind's recall is tied to the making of
the future (as our physical, factual capacity)."
the future (as our physical, factual capacity)."
-- Leslie Scalapino
"I've been trying to train myself for thirty or forty
years not to believe anything anyone tells me."
-- Alice Notley
being tired is something that suits my abilities
I missed her at the elevator and at the bottom of the stairs
some are easy while others wear masks and robes
where are you going to spend eternity? (this is a song)
quite a few have come to look and have been turned away
this nature has nothing to do with trees or the beatings I have endured
without the required "base" knowledge his future plans seemed crippled
illness can arise when your meat is not properly seasoned
he finished the first bowl and then immediately desired a second
if he had taken the time to properly review the material it would not be
confusing him so
there were elephants hippos and other large animals waiting for him at the gate
confusing him so
there were elephants hippos and other large animals waiting for him at the gate
later when he thought no one was looking he let them in...
{And now, a historically accurate documentation of "the rules" (and our "relations"),
in list form:
01. All requests for money (any amount) required both written and oral presentations.
(Result being that we never had any money for anything, including field trips,
lunch, etc.)
02. NEVER leave the door open behind you, regardless of the situation. ("We're not
heating/cooling the outside!")
03. We were never allowed, until after high school graduation, to be "out" past
10:00 PM. (When this rule was lifted, I stayed "out" for three days straight.)
04. No friends were allowed in the house when the parents were not at home.
(This rule was strenuously ignored.)
(This rule was strenuously ignored.)
05. I was not allowed to drive any car until my eighteenth birthday. (Nor was
I allowed to take the driver's education course through school, where it was free.
Instead, I had to take a class during spring break of my senior year; walk
the four miles there and back every morning; and pay for it myself with
the money left over from a job I had been roped into during the previous
summer vacation. If you can't already tell, this one left a sour taste in my mouth,
for a plethora of reasons.)
I allowed to take the driver's education course through school, where it was free.
Instead, I had to take a class during spring break of my senior year; walk
the four miles there and back every morning; and pay for it myself with
the money left over from a job I had been roped into during the previous
summer vacation. If you can't already tell, this one left a sour taste in my mouth,
for a plethora of reasons.)
06. We were not allowed to have people in our rooms without leaving our doors open.
(This made the quest to "get laid" extremely difficult.)
(This made the quest to "get laid" extremely difficult.)
07. My father always had his dinner served to him first, even if he was late. (We had
many cold dinners because of this rule.)
many cold dinners because of this rule.)
08. Before any trip to the hospital, my father had to be certain that the suffered illness
or injury could not be "fixed" by him. (He attempted to reset my broken arm;
dig shards of glass out of my knee with a set of needle-nose pliers; and bathe me in
a tub full of ice cubes to lower a 104 degree temperature.)
or injury could not be "fixed" by him. (He attempted to reset my broken arm;
dig shards of glass out of my knee with a set of needle-nose pliers; and bathe me in
a tub full of ice cubes to lower a 104 degree temperature.)
09. My brother and I had opposite "days" on which we controlled
the television viewing. (However, when Dad wanted to watch something, this rule
no longer applied.)
the television viewing. (However, when Dad wanted to watch something, this rule
no longer applied.)
10. There was never any "sleeping" past 9:00 AM on the weekend. (I was often dragged
from bed earlier than this to accompany my father to Murray's, a local
hardware store.)
from bed earlier than this to accompany my father to Murray's, a local
hardware store.)
11. There was no eating allowed after 8:00 PM, unless, of course, it was to be done by
my father. (Potato chips, popcorn, smoked sausage...)
my father. (Potato chips, popcorn, smoked sausage...)
12. Never, under any circumstances, were we to be seen in public without a shirt on.
(This is the only rule I remember being made by my mother.)
(This is the only rule I remember being made by my mother.)
13. Any item that had been broken would be repaired, not replaced.
(To my father's credit, he was able to repair just about anything.)
(To my father's credit, he was able to repair just about anything.)
14. The children were to do all of the household chores, short of the laundry.
(We were not to be trusted with my father's precious polyester.)
(We were not to be trusted with my father's precious polyester.)
15. At the earliest possible age, we were to be registered for any and all available
athletic activities. (This was fine by me, as I was athletically inclined, but
my brother suffered from a severe lack of physical coordination. Therefore,
he experienced great misery and shame as a result of this rule.)
athletic activities. (This was fine by me, as I was athletically inclined, but
my brother suffered from a severe lack of physical coordination. Therefore,
he experienced great misery and shame as a result of this rule.)
16. The family took one vacation together every summer. (The final "vacation"
took place in a wooded parking lot outside of Ludington, Michigan, and lasted
an interminable ten days.)
took place in a wooded parking lot outside of Ludington, Michigan, and lasted
an interminable ten days.)
(For a complete list of "the rules", please go to}
...what do you think?
I realized that in order to get a better understanding of what had occurred behind me
I must first turn around
I must first turn around
something has come to life behind me
I am filling in spaces with the necessary species
a cool breeze might stagger the right runner
ending "me" is so much more difficult than beginning "me"
this is where I'll be
she might call at any time and we need to be on "the ready"
where can I find a good pair of warm socks? (I left the others in a pile of dirty laundry)
this is also "dirty"
what I have seen is not for you to understand or even contemplate
tired is a good way of putting it and I am in need of a good way
calm is not necessarily peaceful
are all of these smiles smiling?
I am the animal that was left out
alone is not a guarantee either
enemies are also leaving (accompanying friends to the outskirts)
earth tone swirls are in front of me and are making music
listen to this one...
[I am a card collector. I collect cards of rabbits and famous works of art. I am a card. I collect rabbits and works of art. I am sentimental. I am married to a gnome. I am not married to another gnome. I have a mother who is also sentimental, and was also once married to a gnome. She is currently unmarried, though she is looking for a new gnome. She is a card, and a collector. She does not collect rabbits. I am also the as-yet-unknown entity. Do you feel like you're getting to know me any better? How about my mother? I am uncomfortable. You must be. My mother is sweating on her cards.]
...the painting is by XXXXXX XX XXXXXXX the music is by "me"
I am into more holes than I can currently count
the trouble with my standing in this environment begins with footwear
what is the limit? when might I stop to take a breath?
why is it so far away and so long?
she approached my ankle with a silent grace (this is what needs to be heard)
why is it that aches are always so dull?
after giving the matter much consideration I now believe that I would actually
allow him to pass
allow him to pass
I am back into the plaid and I am square
this shit sure is dusty
"nobody knows who the enemy is 'cause he never goes in
hiding he's slitting our throats right in front of our eyes
while we pull the casket he's riding"
[some are infinitely missing and still as a watched clock
(I'm forgetting them now)
I am reading poems about "fruit" and "trees"]
"Subject matter is what you're writing about,
the aboutness in the poem,
so it's a poem about X..."
-- Ann Lauterbach
[I have previously mentioned a small, fortified island with a lighthouse and a catacomb of tunnels beneath it; but this is nothing like that. This is almost beyond description, but not quite. Also, I failed to mention the presence of two small rabbits, who have been darting in and out of the shadows at the corner of the room. There is a black one, with a white tail and a brown "mohawk"; and there is a "peaches and cream"-colored one who has thumped at me on several occasions. I wonder if they are friendly, and I wonder to whom they belong. This is a strange place, not unlike the fortified island.]
in the half-light it is difficult to tell whether or not those passing before me are "alive"
weaving in and out between the parked fire trucks introduced him to a new process
the smell of skunk permeated the entire block
he was having a hard time understanding the decisions that had been made in his name
a noise is music and so on
what is this sticky substance on the bottom of my shoe?
is that really the only way one might turn?
she is determined to fall forward as she walks (I too am top heavy)
he found that he preferred his holes in circles and black
I don't care about where I'm going or where I'm going to be I just want to run
this environment is comfortable and fosters communication
so I got a call from him and he was crying
he arrived in the room as if he had just been dismissed
reading "this" might remind you of things you've never done
what must it be like to be a refugee among unforgiving consumers?
I would paint her if "colors" could communicate her hair
that smile is no convincing disguise (I'm not fooled by your hat either)
she is a pleasant embodiment of animal instinct and confusion
other people are working on their poems at the same time
I am not alone in my desire to be somewhere other than this (she is frowning)
I've come for the loneliness and the tart beverage but certainly not
the generic reggae music
the generic reggae music
she carried herself like a turn-of-the-century British stage actress
I have determined after years of carefully executed research that books are not
comfortable in the embrace of "me"
comfortable in the embrace of "me"
he said something about "joy" in relation to Buddhism
apparently this guy is involved in everything and he is so glad to see you
(don't look now or you might not)
(don't look now or you might not)
his appearance distracted her just long enough for her to be overwhelmed
I might fall asleep to the sound of his voice if I wasn't inspired to kill him
he was propped-up by a 5-foot iron rod and a rusty wire mesh
I was happy to have their unpleasant language removed from my soundtrack
what is she waiting for? (she continues to wait)
his is a burden which was carefully chosen from a closet full...
{I haven't felt this good since the day my dad came home from Vietnam. I'm basking in a real sense of accomplishment, like I've done something they might not forget for a hundred years, or more. Of course, there's still lots of work to do, and XXXX's going to owe me a lot of money when I'm finished. He'll see the value, just like the next person, and he'll open his wallet accordingly. You know, I might even take a shower now that I'm finished, then put on my fancy shirt and sit on the porch for all the neighbors to see and admire. I can look handsome too, if that's what I set out to do. My mom dressed me up real nice the day my dad came home from Vietnam, and she even cried looking at me. That's how good I can look! Yeah, I haven't felt this good in a long time.}
...the clothing that I wear calls into question a series of wounds
quotation marks bring attention to those words and phrases which require
a closer reading than others
a closer reading than others
attention is less than compensation
she is speaking in one language and he is communicating in another
the people through glass are beyond my journalistic reach
a deep-dish pizza with green peppers and mushrooms would be delicious right "now"
he appeared to be a superhero in search of a costume
I've never previously encountered such a passion for talking on the phone
if I were to go downstairs I would be beneath him
an oversized orange branch hung down behind the pre-occupied man
the response he provided was attractively insignificant and this suited her
I would much rather participate in an extended public discourse on the current state of
professional wrestling than speak to you privately about poetry
a beard is a bad idea made manifest on his sweaty face
the difference between her hips was purely astonishing
spitting on the sidewalk is a crime I might commit (I am a criminal)
a relatively well-endowed man just disappeared behind a narrow column and I can't see why
I am inspired by animals and petty thievery
my goal is to reach the bottom of the page before I commit to leaving (time is not
a significant consideration)
"and who will write love songs for you when I am
lord at last and your body is a little highway shrine
that all my priests have passed"
[some move quickly into the rust in orange jumpsuits
(I'm arresting them now)
I am splitting the "eye" with a pick axe]
"You've had experiences, you've had dreams,
you've had idle thoughts, you know.
That's what I [mean] by being a new person."
-- James Tate
some person can talk consistently for long periods of time and not lose his breath
(however this should not be seen as a skill)
I am not going to "be" fat anymore and this has nothing to do with my health)
I might walk beside her if she can manage to keep me from running
"that" is more than I can tolerate this week
I could be a case study in a passing laundry basket if I were up to it
the pavement is red and the shoes are green (this is the flag)
I'm leaving before another individual arrives...
[To whom it may concern:
I've come as an approved guest to your home, and I am stunned by the "life" you have managed to contain within it. I feel very strongly that I would be able to sustain myself within your walls, and I commend you for your fine organizational efforts. One thing I would like to mention, however, is the absence of edibles. Would it not be possible to stock the back left corner with some crackers, or cookies, or possibly some beef jerky? Also, a water fountain would be nice. Of course, these are just suggestions. Things are lovely, regardless.
Pass # 0856-55583]
...I've not felt this kind of pride in years (I must be ill)
the man coming at me is both large and forgettable
when will I find another "way" into the good graces of the same woman
with my ear to the floor I could make out a faint conversation
I am standing at the board and I am "I"
this is what is going on when one makes reference to "faking it"
"we" are closed and I am too tired to open
the waiting room is the place where my legs started hurting (there is nothing profound
to be said about waiting)
I've read about a cold-hearted killer with a taste for Nilla Wafers
(I don't usually eat them)
(I don't usually eat them)
there are people "here" from the "past" (they are approaching "now")
an empty chair is many things to those not sitting
I don't believe "so" either (I am thinking about lying)
I'd like to "have" one or more of the following statements...
"as easy it was to tell black from white it was all that easy
to tell wrong from right and our choices they was few
so the thought never hit that the one road we travelled
would ever shatter or split"
...suddenly there was no more noise only the sound of one child screaming
(I have the "past" to thank for this)
(I have the "past" to thank for this)
I am terrified of hydroplaning and slippage
I've just nothing to do with thinking in these circles (I am coming around)...
{I stood in the music room, trembling in a most unfamiliar way. I felt like I wanted to cry, and scream, and smash something to pieces with my bare hands, and evaporate into thin air. I took the receiver down from my ear and placed it back in its carriage, staring blankly at the framed photograph on the wall before me. It had been eleven years since we posed for that picture, and we looked like ignorant, lost children with that sign hanging behind us. Who could have known, at that time, that the message on the sign would end up being so prophetic? After taking a few minutes to regain my composure, I took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked back down the hallway to join the other guests.}
...a thin man is short and I am tall (we are reading from the same magazine)
impatience is an affliction and the word is dangling before me
the surface was convenient but rather unpleasant
at this point I've grown fond of the waiting (I've been forgotten/forgetting)
this painting is also a folk song and a documentary film
I have grown tired of noticing the difference
this is like gathering stock footage for a low-budget thriller
[some have found their ways out through windows and air ducts
(I'm escaping them now)
I am taping the "hand" to the lever]
"Poetry is never comfortable in language
because the unconscious doesn't
know how to speak."
-- Russell Edson
their smiles concur with their disguises and intentions
contained within her plastic grocery bag were a roll of toilet paper a box of saltines
and an economy pack of venison jerky
I have a drinking problem but I'm not an alcoholic
what's left of the light is grey and bronze and all the animals have assumed their
stuffed postures upon shelves and speakers
stuffed postures upon shelves and speakers
there should be something in here that I'll be able to use
I've been tied before but not since the '90s
I've recognized several people I did not know until now
by all previous indications mine is indeed mine and yours is mine
the barrel of her gun which was aimed in my direction was approximately
six inches from my watering left eye
six inches from my watering left eye
the intensity of missing him is becoming slightly disturbing (he should be here)
this is home...
"Is Mr. George home? (...) Hello...Mr. George? (...)
This is your conscience, motherfucker! (...) Why don't
you leave motherfuckers alone? What's wrong with you?
(...) Huh? (...) Why can't we just dance? Why can't
we just dance?"
...her tan lines betrayed the "truth" of her topographical map
structures taller than those currently standing will be demolished and rebuilt
this should cost no more than one dollar and nine cents
I am expensive like pre-ripped designer jeans or gourmet ice cream
anticipating "the end" is a fond remembrance of distractions
time spent together is often in observance of parallel times
a countdown is in effect until XX:XX PM
what we were talking about was evasion (a simple matter of personal dignity)
a chemical fire was lit in a plastic cup and they watched as it burned melted
and evaporated their scientific perspectives
and evaporated their scientific perspectives
love is in need of love today
a study is being made of the relationship between a found syntax and the noise...
{I spent the evening cruising the social networking site, leaving witty comments attached to various photographs and other postings. This became tedious after several hours, and I slowly came to realize that my right hand had become a stalk of celery. My left hand followed shortly thereafter, and my head has just recently evolved into an eggplant. This has been a transformative experience, and I have come to a better understanding of my needs: I will cook when I am hungry for human contact.}
...the painting was in black and white and she looked ugly in it
there is a snarling dog threatening to attack "them" (and he is only the first to be
properly identified)
I had an adverse reaction to the contraction of myself
he smiled and then managed to disappear into a mirror image of his happiness
this is a text not unlike a word or the music that supports it
the animals postured in an attempt to be "treated" like morbidly obese people
(what is "people"?)
(what is "people"?)
after making a half-hearted attempt to complete it he quit...
[The new climate has begun producing major benefits: After an eleven year hiatus, I have resumed my work with closed-circuit live-electronics. Though I do not have access to the quality of equipment that I did back in the '90s, I have managed to make substantial progress utilizing the units that remain. I have composed a new 4-song cycle, The Conversation EP, and I've even managed to collaborate with the reclusive poet, X. XXXXXXX XXXXX, who contributes a reading of two of his poems to a piece entitled "Lexicon". He and I have become fast friends, and I anticipate a whole series of future collaborations. However, he has warned me about his "criminal" tendencies, so I will try to create with those in mind. This is simply a lovely time to be an artist, isn't it?]
...this is all about the resurrection of the reference (it is cyclical)
he counted all of the beans on the table as well as those found on the counter
and still managed to come up short
and still managed to come up short
ignorance served to blind the man as he went about his daily tasks
I've looked beneath the chair and the ottoman and I've still not managed to
find enough change
find enough change
reading from "the book" is often better than reading from "the site" (this is
a contemporarily formed knowledge)
the two men quibbled over mathematical terminologies which was quite disconcerting
I've begun to appear less and less on the "page" and have focused my energies more on
the "live" environment
his was a Cinderella story so to speak
the young curly-haired boy could barely breathe in his tight yellow jacket
I was born into a family from a long time ago (this is "my" history)
he decided to remove the fencing so that the rabbits could get through
(only a tangle of barbed-wire remained)
(only a tangle of barbed-wire remained)
a friend is either a friend or an enemy
the photograph was taken at such a distance as to provide no solid evidence of
the man's identity
the man's identity
why don't we wait until this all plays out?
good advice was about the best advice he could expect given the current situation
I'm waiting
[some have indicated a desire to continue even crippled
(I'm hobbling them now)
I am braising "vegetables" in motor oil]
x (syntax dump)
we are
notes in anticipation of
so many poems
[me] [them]
is looking for
an obvious way to be content with
strain I am an outlaw disorder
tripping a sculpted light and easy
sending witness to the day standing up
a deep philosopher
now there is no
way to play colors against what's good here
this is working they are dirty me
alive in the hope that I might be now
at the site of the book normal joy
of me me me
they might get past the truth
it is really entertainment treated
as if a bad voice were waiting with it
checking here I live my way in them
so that this is people
[them] [me]
we are notes
in anticipation
of so many poems
"My 'identity' is mine."
-- Anselm Hollo
getting from one word to the next is something of the problem with me
this retarded language of mine does not continue to inform itself
if I find again my place on the floor I will curl up and cry for XXXXX
when I'm listening to the music that was made then I can not hear it
I'm getting the impression of chambers which do not contain it (lit from behind)
fault trickles down a column of orange
what is waiting when that is what you've been doing?
she went from one point to the other without tying her shoes
when asked to re-engage with strangeness I made the same mistake
if he were to dial a phone and surprise someone with a call someone might be
startled enough to pay attention
startled enough to pay attention
this is a relationship I do not have...
[A small group of us gathered in the parking lot, smoking filterless cigarettes and nervously exchanging our prepared, whitewashed anecdotes as friends and family members passed to enter the church. Most of us were a little disheveled, and I myself hadn't bathed since I'd received the news. It had been a week since XXXXX's unexpected death, and none of us were particularly eager to fulfill our duties, but when the hearse pulled around the corner and stopped beside us, we tossed our extinguished smokes into the bushes and formed two short lines at the tailgate. As we removed the casket from the vehicle, someone coughed, and I suddenly realized that I'd forgotten to make the funereal mixtape. Needless to say, I panicked.] oppressive heat cornered him stripping him of everything but his bones and hair
I've all but found an operable language here
they served meatballs with gravy mashed potatoes and some sort of jellied berry
this is as important as the time you forgot your password
lung cancer reduced him to a mattress stain (the boy cried without understanding why)
during his entire lifetime he'd known nothing but indifference so when she displayed
a genuine concern for his well-being he shifted in his seat and began to perspire
the book featured exercises designed to assist the beginning poet (no advanced prompts)
I thought of canceling the appointment after my mother quite unexpectedly
arrived from Kentucky with a truckload of returnables
arrived from Kentucky with a truckload of returnables
the engine of a small airplane could faintly be heard in the distance
three shabbily dressed individuals gathered beneath the balcony to smoke
and fade away
and fade away
a strong wind swirled about the room so he secured his manuscript with the coffee pot
XXXXXX checked the invoice for a specific item (he had not ordered
a dead two-year-old)
a dead two-year-old)
the incident occurred in a wading pool out by the interstate
four actors and a cameraman approached the median to film a pivotal scene
he had made several attempts to engage the masses with inane banter
(they did not seem to understand this coming from him)
(they did not seem to understand this coming from him)
she extended her technologically evolved hand in friendship
and he knew no better
and he knew no better
they inserted the leaf to extend the dining room table so that they might accommodate
the additional visitors
an animal was being observed through the scope of a high-powered rifle
several instructions had been scrawled on a tattered 3 x 5 card (it was later found in
the breast pocket of his t-shirt)
they installed a series of small lamps so that they might be able to see one another
they were accosted by an old man in a fez as they waited to turn left
she sang "Lady Marmalade" from the kitchen window in an attempt to garner
some attention
some attention
instead of lifting weights he spent the afternoon drinking wine eating cheese
and thinking about the many art projects he hadn't finished
he thought she might be sleeping in the next room so he kept the noise to a minimum
she wanted to move all of her materials from a large storage space to a smaller one
(with one exception)
(with one exception)
I am arranging the necessary characters for a genuine tragedy
is that another of your disguises?
eventually it was difficult to hear the telephone man (her long distance service
was faltering)
was faltering)
the blue gargoyle spread its wings and threatened to fly away
he posed for a portrait (afterwards the photographer made alterations to the image
in order to portray his subject as a patriot)
in order to portray his subject as a patriot)
I have placed an order with another provider
the two of them added a scratch vocal to the track and then went to dinner
(this was delicious)
(this was delicious)
braying is purple in the abbreviated sound spectrum
an envelope containing his written confession was mailed on Wednesday
waiting is now third on my list of priorities...
{Though I feel the proceedings would have benefitted from a soundtrack, the gathered audience actually seemed to appreciate the many awkward silences. Several people exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses during one lengthy pause, and a large man in the back of the chapel even went as far as to crack a joke while the priest fumbled with the sacrament. I think XXXXX would have enjoyed many of the comical aspects of his funeral service, but I'm fairly certain he would have been just as frightened as his family was when the men responsible for bringing the casket to the altar dropped it when halfway down the aisle. (Apparently, one of the pallbearers freaked-out at the last minute, leaving only five to carry the heavy load.) However, the accident was quite quickly accounted for, and it only took them a couple of minutes to get XXXXX's body back into its case. After the ceremony, there was a lovely meal served in the church cafeteria.}
...a third party introduced them to their chosen fetishes
this is just another example of rhetoric overwhelming the elements it was initially
intended to enhance (an abandonment of character would have been preferable)
intended to enhance (an abandonment of character would have been preferable)
why must we fight?
this black and white silence is strange evidence of you
the piece contains several references to his prior works
"Apes-Ma... Apes-Ma... Your cage is too dirty, Apes-Ma.
Remember when you were young, Apes-Ma, and you used
to break out of your cage? Well, you know that you're not
strong enough to do that anymore...Apes-Ma, you're eating
too much, and going to the bathroom too much. Apes-Ma...
And Apes-Ma, your cage isn't getting any bigger, Apes-Ma."
[some remain unidentified even mythical
(I'm telling their tales now)
I am holding "X" to my breast]
"Not here."
❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋
I want to thank you for all that you have done to challenge me and my writing. Also, I want to apologize for the many sour expressions your challenges have inspired. I assure you, I am better now because of them. I look forward to the future.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. -- Thanks for the crackers.
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