restroom question #1
whose other name
was twist-written
with earnest precision
and no keen foresight
in a signature blue ink
on that collapsing wall
in outside Connecticut
to the tune of signifying trumpets
in declaration of some crooked conceptualization of an eternal union
as impatient others waited
with drying felt-tipped markers
and crossed legs
to do the same?
❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋
restroom question #2
where was that
corrugated tin shithole
slow roasting me tender
a sleep-deprived meat
in my own juices and blue goo stink
while bargain brand toilet paper
crumbled and balled
in the smeared track of my ass crack
and non-returnable empties
and expensive insults
were hurled with giggling girl glee
from the circling SUV
to smash my agonizing focus?
❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋
restroom question #3
how did Amy and I
manage not to wretch
beneath packs strung twenty feet up
amongst moaning bear shadows
after following a flashlit trail
of what looked like blood
and green steaming diarrhea
crawling with shit lazy flies
past the lonely parked car
through the black U.P. night
and arriving at the disappointment
of the simple outhouse
and no disemboweled corpse?
❋ ❋ ❋ ❋ ❋
restroom question #4
what was the name of that oasis
that we came upon stinking
four days raw and ripened
from the ignorant U.P. outback
where some kid had just drowned
drawing ambulances and news trucks
like we were fogs of flies
but we couldn't have cared less
because they had gorgeous redwood
restroom facilities and hot water
and I had a leisurely one-hour shower
with soap, shampoo and a soft towel
not concerning myself with anything else?
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