Wednesday, September 30, 2015

movement music 1 [2012]

A Neo-Benshi piece performed to the music video 
"Spiritual Healing" by Zu (feat. Okapi) vs. Dälek

(0:05) Monday, May 4, 1970
  whether to be punctured upon the macadam or
to be before the doctor's birthing hands
an oral assumption should be made
and then promptly dismissed
as allegations gather around
like ashen photographs

(0:26) Thursday, August 27, 1970
  like swollen mourning doves pinned around the throat
choking, this record is a regurgitation

(0:47) Wednesday, December 16, 1970
because melody is beaten and an elder
independence is one tuned to see sharper
the surrender of rhythm, a disaster manifesting
of the rusted machine headings
and the confiscated bed knobs

(1:07) Monday, July 31, 1972
an acuity of mind was promptly achieved
after an engagement with low reed instruments stalled
a pause not charted in the sheet music
and brevity was brought before economy
a short foot, tapping a nominal pedal and humming

(1:28) Monday, September 4, 1972
found frequently are reasons for doubt
lasting to become insidious enemies or friends
and a particular child at this stage of growth
might look to these blank doors
to boldly infiltrate

(1:48) Tuesday, May 22, 1973
several previous sessions introduced it as a possibility
but this yellow could not have been predicted
a curly loose elementary
harnessed and leashed to reason
this is a piano roll song
passing a history being voiced and eaten

(2:09)  Saturday, March 15, 1975
  the martyr presumed exhaustion
and absence followed the mindset like an oxidized compound
and the branches sought the trunk
to legalize the easel and the crucifix as instruments
what were once considered electric memories
were found fizzled in a pile of filthy clothing

(2:41) Tuesday, June 9, 1975
people are hand-painted doorways
and through them ghosts and resurrected jazz musicians appear
to parade before disembodied eyes and tongues
and to be seen as true objects of fiction
to be delivered lean to crooked junctions
is an animalistic wish, a prayer
winding through cold sweating pipes
and laundry chutes
as corresponding waste would
or mouthpiece spit

(3:32) Sunday, May 9, 1976
beneath cellophane wrappers
two arts are growing
to be equivalent yet unique places
they beg the eye
            and later will be windows

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