Sunday, January 31, 2016
Saturday, January 30, 2016
intubated [2010]
white noise combatants
wrestling with sleeping
slapping at tendrilous
flailing flesh alive
contriving dying
scrapping animal division
along arteries
clocks shackled to them
arms wrapped in arms
tangling penitence strapped
into shameful smiles cracked
eyes screaming
swollen begging
hearts enmeshed and torpid
awaiting incision
clot teetering in crotch
and reproaching God
ugly aching
spilling down septic halls
smoking delirious the stink
through gray tubes
affixed to throat after throat after throat
Friday, January 29, 2016
gallery [1994]
you're back on canvas
and so is my
it's no inscrutable painting
a thousand strokes couldn't save the scene
yet I move the brush as if to mean
there is something here for saving
a day
a long, tedious, injured day
drags by
rotting awareness and acumen
and as you walk me through
and talk me through
I realize I can't possibly consider it
as well as you
a painting is nothing but paint
a sculpture is nothing but clay
if you would swallow an ounce of this art
you'd choke as you tried to explain
your definition is merely supposition
over lunch
and under duress
so step back from the easel
stop trying so hard
there is no inscrutable painting
any stroke is a waste of time
this brush is but a tool of mime
and your empathy is fading
(she stood silent and frightened in her mask confusion
holding her guts, dreading the inevitable evaluation)
it is a refined and friable art
a tear-polished, facile figure
I've scrutinized this work in your gallery
and found no reason to love her
Thursday, January 28, 2016
refrain [2010]
I've blood just pooled there
he said
from the undone length
of his hospice bed
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
something more than a self-portrait (for E. L. M.) [2009]
by allowing myself to myself again
I've swapped surgery for strength
tossed language onto the break
cracked clouds from the firmament
and solicited smiles
I've heard the small sounds
brought a lifetime of doubt down
untangled wires and friendships
and founded a family
I've negated popular opinion
drafted nine manifestos
pioneered four ways to walk straight
and wandered warm into icy nights
I've rewritten pages
lifted the wrinkles from tired eyes
given precious animals time
and cast a spell upon the staircase
I've driven to the end of the counting
leapt confidently from unease
drifted into a masterpiece
and performed with the passed
by allowing myself to myself again
I've discovered someone new:
Team BooTuesday, January 26, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
The Woman in the Wilderness Study is a prelude to dying [2012]
You do not find nearly so many "people" wandering around remote corners of the planet anymore. Some "people" even go as far as to think that wilderness is a lock-up of the land. (This is a blunt, obstreperous fact, and "they" continue to dance around it to this day.) But "people", stunted for a plenitude of centuries, have been calling animated things that "they" do not understand "woman", giving "them" a singular pillar of fire with which to light "their" lonely ways. (Some have indicated that, as a side-effect, there is also an irrational acknowledgment of the funeral thank-you-notes page. This is debatable, and the subject of a whole 'nother study, altogether!) So, after years of social engineering crap that will never delete the truth, most "people" now care more about winning "woman" than they do the truth. Wilderness! However, the mere presence or activity of "people" does not disqualify an area of "woman" from being wilderness. As this is indubitably true, the Woman in the Wilderness Study is about to make the startling transformation into the Woman in the Wilderness EVENT: a funeral.
Every particular here alluded to is observed on funereal occasions at the present day, and the "woman" in the wilderness is no exception. So we come to this learned text assured that there is familial comfort (check the bathroom for closet alcoholics), and we have achieved the understanding that the call has been placed for the waling WOMEN to come; only the most skillful of them. (These WOMEN leave their homes without full black attire and weeping veils for the first full year following employment, and, in the wording of the eleventh stanza of our first edition, are "slightly on the edge of plastic". This is to be expected.) The masculine "male" doctor is the counterbalance in the equation, and a bit of local culture must come with "him" (this could mean a multitude of things, but most likely it will simply manifest as a generous helping of pasta). And when you reduce the story down to its bare essentials, it comes to two factors: said "male" doctor and WOMEN. Whine will become wine, and in all the vineyards there shall be glorious wailing, for the twelve-year-old "daughter" who was dying has died. (On the outside, these turns in the text may seem ruthless, but they will teach us that Eternity is the Standing Still of the Present Time, and that the WOMEN certainly have no ruth.) After all this, one might ask: where is the wilderness, now?
The setting becomes a grand estate on the edge of the water, and the wilderness of "woman" is encroaching. (Inessential insanities such as these may get one in trouble with one's self.) "They" usually eat plain food and not a lot of color, but occasionally, "their" LATEX will have to be run twice in a row to clear up the problem. (See: "slightly on the edge of plastic".) Several versions of this scene depict a pensive "man" sitting seaside, as if "he" knew the horror of aging and decay and "woman". And some things may be thrilling precisely because we know what's going to happen: avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. (Losing eluded "woman" then, but that's no matter. Sound ethical decisions involve weighing a potential, and they have a very distinctive sound that should be easily identifiable: a guttural, roaring yawp.) The proceedings are "pleasure" engaging "herself" in an upright seated position, and "she" sits just above the keyboard and acts like the masculine "male" doctor. Real riding is a lot like ballroom dancing and maybe figure skating in pairs. Regardless, the "union" forms a genetic mutation: the funeral.
To recap: "woman" is not WOMEN and wilderness is something else, also. The Wilderness Study clogs up your time with inessential nonsense. Studying is not creating something new using a certain amount of creativity. A profundity has JUST BEEN revealed*:
Though I feel the proceedings would have benefitted from a
soundtrack, the gathered audience actually seemed to
appreciate the many awkward silences. Several people
exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses during one
lengthy pause, and a large man in the back of the chapel even
went as far as to crack a joke while the priest fumbled with
the sacrament. I think [removed] would have enjoyed many
of the comical aspects of the funeral service, but I'm fairly
certain [removed] would have been just as frightened as the
family was when the men responsible for bringing the
family was when the men responsible for bringing the
casket to the altar dropped it when halfway down the aisle.
(Apparently, one of the pallbearers freaked-out at the last
minute, leaving only five to carry the heavy load.) However,
the accident was quite quickly accounted for, and it only took
them a couple of minutes to get [removed] back into the box.
After the ceremony, there was a lovely meal served in the
church cafeteria.
[*There are many things we do not yet know.**]
[**The rest are just made up.]
Sunday, January 24, 2016
1/2 hour to kill before class [2010]
drop-off THE TEAR JAR
(this morning's waiting is warm
and my cheeks are red with it
as learning begins to regurgitate)
slide [s-l-i-d-e]
the legs of this
meet the tile at
something other than
90 degrees
and attractive is alight
upon them
under an abundance of it
nothing is more than two dance steps
shuffling through paper
and people
can cause an imbalance
if seen through
a frosted pane of glass
←from the other side of this
something else
is being said
when talking
"...wait for your talking outside, with a jacket and umbrella...or threats will be made...
...of you..."
Saturday, January 23, 2016
strain [2010]
the experience
inspiration is realized
from the staff arises a complex
a neurosis is rendered of the process
a song black with urge is spun ravenous
the listening apart from the twitch constitutes a hazard
any embryonic melody is ill-expressed in an atonal language
beyond the anguish of the instrument is found only an absurd anechoic chasm
Friday, January 22, 2016
Thursday, January 21, 2016
I am [2008]
I am
I am a tree of many wide rings and long, forlorn branches
I am the lighthouse on a small, intricately fortified island
I am the precious tone blown from an obsolete instrument
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
my culture-selves and another [2011]
[some are afraid of the journey and the room
(I'm scaring them now)
I am shaking the "road" for bones and ashes]
I'm up against my culture-selves again
it's hard to distinguish calm black from night
disobedience plays like I refrain
bagatelle language is a written fright
[some move quickly into the rust in orange jumpsuits
(I'm arresting them now)
I am splitting the "eye" with a pick axe]
society against a stilted light
an answer I concocted isn't plain
the words are so arranged to convey spite
this poetry is a pulled-taut terrain
[some have found their ways out through windows and air ducts
(I'm escaping them now)
I am taping the "hand" to the lever]
a "what" is difficult I ascertain
the music is castrated and polite
song features “I” reduced to the mundane
a pontificating eyeball is sight
[some remain unidentified even mythical
(I'm telling their tales now)
I am holding "X" to my breast]
my conflict will be read like I rewrite
disobedience runs like I refrain
I choke-crafted loneliness to my right
I've defeated my culture-selves again
(a third party introduced them to their chosen fetishes)
Monday, January 18, 2016
scattered [2010]
a sea hungry with years
knows the presence of the windstorm
knows the presence of the windstorm
now rising here
it is a parting righteous swell
an account (waves…)
like a communication of summits
summarized under spray
and pitched deep a disintegrating memory
the mind places local things
where the water is nearly silenced
so that they will not crash
against the length of the dock
"I have breathed alive the breakers
been devoured by the squall"
been devoured by the squall"
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
constant [2010]
two questions
dressed as women
...together with (a mystery poet) who
had the mushrooms prepared
for a musician twiddling knobs and/or oiling pans...
a sound to ponder certainly
but they are both foreign languages
so an interpreter has been dialed-up
for dinner dessert and coffee
"(this room is located in the hallway off the cafeteria that runs behind the gift shop) (when you enter the hallway from the cafeteria side it would be the 2nd door on your right) (you have to knock on it because it will be locked but the trainer will be in the room already)"
PowerPoint: one might have offered different statistics
on the severity of childhood obesity
if they hadn't both been eating at the time
one might then have gone running
down the hallway with her sandwich
a short distance to find the trainer
...smiling as if he were once again
back at Black Mountain...
while two individual individuals
with absurd questions of their own
made awkward ways for one another
across the parking lot at dawn
...after we returned from town
he resumed the lecture...
let me be the one
to reveal this now
the sidewalk
the heat
the questions
the stairs
the packages
the purse
the barking dogs
the barking dogs
the husband
"pack-mule is
second nature
to me"
he says "things"
the difference being
when comparing the two
that one reveals an answer
...David Tudor…
Friday, January 15, 2016
VISCERALUM: A Book of Three Volumes in Excerpt [2012]
Volume One: “Tongue Tunnel” [(space)]
…3grÆfuxvx~yãà§iüÕ‡BUT“¿rÍ÷Û˜’Ú"%E-w¥+ Û4!;5/)$]V!∏õ&IN29gnÉÿT´^¸LM[_te[TéoÀ]À,!^j[l˘ ÖSCIENCEç''É\ùv›“#ª>0˙˙¬∏ŸŒ´““»AND´∞Éåp¡•≠ﶅq»ø≥ó˙„«∂´¶˛ART®ù≠≈fi¥≤ÜËÕ˛1ˆª†ONE†õñùÀ–˘Ï˚Àè($ˇ2r`b}dÄwip|çP9jv4?Å0YMöç’3~MUST∆‰ÉÂñ˝Ú§6üÒ‚õ¸PLAY5c√¶8æL±BY($yπDDwG∞≠¯Mõä3‡∆»Õ«ÉêÒ9pºqX±ºp“nbTáòÖ:‚©THE¯ıtq≤å˛¢õïB?#
tongues in the pockets of teen elves
ages hovering
to be spat
into constellations
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Volume Two: “Pinhole Gulls” [(object)]
Volume Three: “Outback (for Alan Lamb)” [(sound)]
…D ∞SO†L8cBˆÆ›p6ò—◊©THE∆<uæªfiôT≈©
Volume Two: “Pinhole Gulls” [(object)]
c‚0;kaÀQ¶AND"ó#>,∫[—»^X®WILL=QÇåX1¡X·s‡êñ±ˆÖXǶOıflñXò.2†ı?NOT√Ìsp-bRñ%À(À´Ü¡"_l† "ŒºûØ“;∑’˜TNuWì&BEø¶ú∫Ù›Z
thrusting barbed wire into loopward pinholes
isn’t aging or a matter of destitution
- - - - -
we were glass and silence broken
over the head of the ship’s captain
A‰ÉÈi¢£,¿änéäGÃEß¡¸äƒÅU∑!‡ô≈'qflS7džI.E.π«D\ΩJù#∆œ‘«9áãÚ· ¸á∆^(‡flB¥Xn*“ÏX?KqRüLm©§f≥gö¯§ıâSp<bûõ'âg$MENTAL/áô∏n≈≤¯’1`≠ÕòDÃL2FTº!ôàZ„°IMAGES#ix¨¸#NÉHéîâ·DƒX„*.ˇ+fi5’®Y‰R±O%r¬pÑÃsªüÁìq,Ó¶è|T≈™(Äïæ%l=ÔµCã≈E:ãKzˇw÷l88©∞Öp”¶•(`@t∏
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