Saturday, January 9, 2016

Jean-Yves Le Pecques [2010]

remember when:

he came home to his yard
for the first time
and crowed proud
at the sight of all around
prompting us to name him
after a prominent bagpiper?

that wooden rooster
perched atop
a bounty of gifts
and spoke romantic French
in a cardstock bubble
to you?

he played 
"Boo-Boo's Birthday"
and assisted me with
the cake and candles
while keeping
the barnyard orderly?

that patriarch rooster
saw his yard overrun
by eager rabbits
and found a quick solution
assisting in the architecture
of a 4-story condo?

he was tragically separated
from his one true love - 
yet he soldiered on
atop a dislocated speaker
in foreign territory?

that drifting rooster
witnessed the ugliest of us
without violence
and found himself stuffed
again in a traveling box
to anticipate anew?

he was unpacked
and searched for his speaker
amongst the new rooms
only to find adjacent to him
his one true love -

that proud rooster
insisted on an epic poem
to chronicle his heroism
and instead had to settle
for this little ditty
and a contented new yard?

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